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Pune Airport’s summer schedule starts from Sunday

The Pune Airport’s ‘summer schedule’ has started from Sunday, March 31 and airlines are demanding slots during the day however as these are unavailable, only three flights will be added to the summer schedule this year. The three flights added are from Pune to Kolkata, Surat and Jaipur.
Due to notice to air missions (NOTAMs), the Pune Airport administration is facing difficulties providing slots and this has affected passengers. Hence, the summer schedule has become ‘dry’ for passengers even this year. Starting Sunday, there will be one flight each to Kolkata, Surat and Jaipur.
Last year, new flights were started from Pune Airport to the two cities of Mumbai and Varanasi. This time around, the airport administration could not provide additional slots despite efforts due to which, airlines could not start services during the day. While night slots are available, airlines are unwilling to serve them.
Santosh Dhoke, Pune Airport director, said, “The Pune Airport administration has provided 218 slots at the Pune Airport from Monday to Friday. Actually though, only 195 slots have been used and the rest of the slots are empty. The empty slots include ‘red eye’ flights or flights that depart late in the night and arrive at their destination early next morning. There are 110 flights at Pune Airport from 6 am to 10 pm.”
“Pune Airport’s summer schedule is starting from Sunday. How many new services will be started will be known only on Sunday. Hence, it would not be appropriate to say anything now,” Dhoke said.
